Performance of a Solar-Biomass Adsorption Chiller
During the last decades, we are witnessing a large, generalized and even more accentuated energy deficit in developing countries. Noble energies are mainly produced by fossil sources which not only are gradually depleted but also have harmful environmental consequences: pollution of the atmosphere, destruction of the ozone layer, production of greenhouse gases contributing to the global warming. The current trend is therefore to find new forms of energy from renewable sources to overcome this problem. The ideal would be to produce all the energy used by renewable sources, but unfortunately this sector still faces many technological and commercial challenges.
The increasing demand of the air conditioning pulled a significant increase of the demand of the primary energy resources. Adsorption refrigeration systems are one of the processes which can be fed using renewable energies. Several works in the field of adsorption chiller have been successfully realized.
The purpose of which to survey the performance evaluation parameters of adsorption cooling systems such as coefficient of performance and specific cooling power. Optimization methods for improving the performance of a refrigeration system by adsorption. Among these factors, adsorption refrigeration pairs is the most important role for system performance, and the development of another type of adsorbent (composite adsorbent) to improve system performance [1–6].
Improving system performance involves improving mass and heat transfer by increasing the adsorption rate, subsequently improving COP and SCP, and since the adsorbent bed is the heart of the machine. adsorbent bed configuration and Adsorbent are the keys to improvement for this fact several adsorbent have been tested and several configuration are studied.
Many configuration of adsorption systems with different pairs have been studied in the literature for refrigeration application, a new adsorption pair AlPO4-34/water is synthesized by Kim et al. [7]. WSS impregnated with 20 wt% LiCl has been used as an adsorbent was experimentally developed by He et al. [8] with heat recovery scheme.
In order to provide maximum efficiency under specified operating conditions [9–11] a two, three and four beds are numerically studied heat and mass recovery. Performance can also be improved on the heat transfer inside the bed by studying the effect of fin design parameters. A decreasing of the fin spacing enhances the heat transfer significantly. The fin thickness has a less effect on heat transfer inside the bed [12]. And the effect of various geometry on the coefficient of performance (COP) and specific cooling power (SCP) and of solar adsorption chiller [13] can also be a way of improving performance.
The objective of this paper is to improving the performance of a refrigeration system by solar-biomass adsorption by using an composite adsorbent, which presents a mixture of silica gel, activated carbon and of chloride of calcium with the percentage following 10% activated carbon, 30% CaCl2 and 60% silica gel in order to maximizing cooling power.

Najeh Ghilen1,3,*, Mohammed El Ganaoui3, Slimane Gabsi1,2, Riad Benelmir3
1 Energy, Water, Environment and Process Laboratory, National School of Engineering of Gabes University of Gabes, Omar Ibn ElKhattab, Gabes, Tunisia
2 National Engineering School of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
3 Faculty of Sciences and Technology/UIT Longwy Lab. LERMAB (UdL/INRA/Labex ARBRE), University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
* Corresponding Author: Najeh Ghilen. Email:
(This article belongs to this Special Issue: Materials and Energy an Updated Image for 2021)
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(4), 1015-1026.
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