Foreword International Conference on materials and Energy (ICOME 2021)

Last Updated: 22 avril 2023By Tags: ,

ICOME Serie´s News

Ravi de la sortie de la préface ICOME 21 (Metz en ligne) co-signée avec d’éminents collègues dont le Professeur Omar Fassi – Fehri secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie Hassan II Sciences et Techniques. Le document est enrichi de l’historique de l’ICOME, des orateurs et du prix Averroes.

Excellente lecture :

The organizers of the ICOME 20-21 edition wish everyone a fruitful event where young researchers can deepen their knowledge online while waiting for better days.
The organizers would like to thank the entities that supported the event and in particular the laboratories and institutes of the University of Lorraine that encouraged and supported the holding of this edition in Lorraine and accompanied the ICOME series since its creation.

Prof. R. Bennacer, Président ICOME Serie’s, Université Paris-saclay
Prof. A. Benyoussef, Directeur du Collège des Sciences Physiques et Chimiques de l’Académie (Academey Hassan II sciences et Technologies).
Prof. M. El-Ganaoui, Chair ICOME Serie’s, University of Lorraine
Prof. O. Fassi-Fehri, Permanent Secretary Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology
Prof. M. Petrissans, Co-president ICOME 21 edition

Honored with the publication of the ICOME 21 foreword (Metz online) co-signed with eminent colleagues including Professor Omar Fassi – Fehri, permanent secretary of the Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technics. The document is enriched with the history of the ICOME, key notes and the Averroes Prize.

Great read:

The presidents of the ICOME series: Prof. R. Bennacer (Univ. Paris Saclay / ENS-Paris-Saclay) and Prof. M. El-Ganaoui (University of Lorraine / IUT Longwy), and the local co-president of ICOME’21, Prof. M Petrissans (University of Lorraine / IUT Epinal), The president of the University of Lorraine Prof. Pierre. Mutzenhardt, the director of the UFR MIM Prof. Anass Nagih, the director of the ENSAM Prof. Stéphane Fontaine, and the director of IUT Henri Poincaré who opened their institutes to the organization on site in 2020 and 2021, welcome the participants and hope that everyone will find in this event subjects of interest, and a great pleasure in exchanging with the materials and energy communities.

During this edition of ICOME’21, participants are invited to three days of intense activity, through twelve (12) plenary lectures given by renowned scientists and 3 mini-symposia dedicated to current topics such as photonics applied to materials for energy, matter sciences in microgravity or innovative simulation approaches such as Boltzmann network methods.

« Knowledge acquired in a foreign country can be a homeland and ignorance can be an exile lived in one’s own country » Averroès (1126-1198).

The topic of climate change has largely shown its importance for the future of the planet. This theme is at the crossroads of science and the organization of our societies. It is not far from the problems of materials and energy. We will leave it to each person to imagine these links. Professor G. Levermore from the University of Manchester, member of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize team of the Intergovernmental Organisation for Climate Change, has given us the honor and pleasure to talk about climate change in the opening conference.


Prof. M. El-GANAOUI:

is a full professor at the University of Lorraine and researcher in the Jacques Villermaux Federation for mechanics, energy and processes (FR 28 63/LERMAB).

He is heading the research in energy in the Henri Poincaré Institute of Technology in Longwy.

Previously, he was an associate professor in the University of Limoges and the SPCTS UMR 6638 CNRS laboratory where he was responsible for the Physics Department (2004-2010) and the international cooperation service (2006- 2010) in the Faculty of science and technology.

His research aims to understand heat and mass transfers through modeling and numerical simulation with a specific activity in the field of the solid -liquid-vapor phase change. Applications concern materials and energy and benefit to energy systems including phenomena for sustainable building (Eco-materials).

He teaches the mechanics of continuous media, heat transfers, and numerical methods. He was advisor of more than 25 Phd Thesis with strong international interaction noticeably in the Euro-Mediterranean context.

He participated/managed the PAI Australia, Canada, Maghreb (Tassili, Utique, Volubilis), China (Xugangqi).

El Ganaoui has participated in the Edition of more than 10 special issues and conference proceedings, co-authored over than 200 publications in journals (rank A) and participated in more than 100 international conferences including ten he co-organized. He is member of many international scientific societies in mechanics and heat transfers.

Pr. Dr. Ing. R. BENNACER:

is an Engineer in Mechanical field (1989), and he got his PhD thesis at Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6) in 1993. He worked as lecturer in the University Paris XI (1993/94), became an associate professor at Cergy Pontoise University in 1994 and full Professor in 2008. He moved as senior Professor to the prestigious school Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris-Saclay) since 2010. He becomes in 2017 an Exceptional National Class Professor. He is also adjunced professor at Tianjin Uni. Of comm. (China) and UMB Univ. He assumed several responsibilities, director of the LEEVAM research team (2003-2007),

Licence degrees (2008-2010), Aggregation title (2010-2011), Master research degree (2011 2013), Transfer and Environmental Research Unit (CNRS LMT-Lab) (since July 2012), dean of Civil/Environmental department (Oct. 2012/Sep. 2016) and since 2019 Coordinate International Affairs Related To Ph.D Univ. Paris-Saclay. His present research activity is within the LMT laboratory where he manages Transfer and Environmental Research Unit.

His Research field covers wide spectrum and several domains. It covers the building material for energy applications or on durability aspect, renewable and energy system. The expertise covers the direct numerical simulation including CFD coupling on multi-scales.

The previous approach is consolidated by analytical or reduction approach in order to identify the instabilities and global behavior bifurcation and similarity controlling parameters in multiphysics situations. He published around 10 book chapters and more than 150 referenced international journals (Rank A).


Exceptional National Class Professor at Lorraine University. Served as Vice-President Research at Nancy 2 University, then as Research Officer at the University of Lorraine.

He is actually in charge of the « Lorraine Coordination and Scientific Counseling Committee » and Director of the Technological Institute of Epinal.

He is an international expert of the biomass and wood thermal behavior.

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